Urban wastewater infrastructures - Best practices in the European Green Deal: Stakeholder workshop
The ALICE Project, which is accelerating innovation in urban waste management for climate change, is hosting an online stakeholder workshop on Wednesday 11th November 2020 from 08:00 – 13:30 GMT. The workshop, which is free and open to all stakeholders, will focus on themes related to the challenges faced by wastewater management for climate change with analyses of a case study in Brazil, modelling developments in Turkey, and an examination of Nature Based Solutions (NBS) in Nordic climates and Scotland. ALICE Project partner REDINN will be represented by Mr Leonardo Piccinetti, who will not only provide an overview of the challenges but will also examine the socio-economic impact of local adaptation solutions.
Read more about the workshop and how to register
The Alice Project zooms stakeholders through best practices in wastewater infrastructures across the globe.
Download and read the Press Release